What is the MOQ?
If you want to wholesale AutoID products, we support a minimum order quantity of 1 for the first order.
How long does it usually take for me to receive the goods after payment?
Depends on real order quantity and specific requirement on AutoID project, and also depends on the speed of customs clearance and logistics, but we can guarantee to ship regular AutoID products in less than 7 business days, and we have customers in Europe who
Do you offer free shipping of AutoID products?
Unfortunately, no. You will have to pay a small fee for shipping AutoID products.
What am I supposed to do if my order delays?
If your order is late for more than a week, email the Yiiro team to be assisted further. Kindly note that sometimes the orders will be delayed because of unavoidable circumstances. Just be patient and we will let you know if there is a
Can we replace products that are damaged during shpping?
It happens on rare occasions because we ensure that all our products are well-packaged before shipment. But in case it does, please contact the Yiiro team. They will guide you and advise you accordingly.